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Submit Photos

Cadets are encouraged to share their community involvement and experiences.

Please submit images to the AHS MCJROTC leadership.


Terms of Use:You are solely responsible for all User Content that you upload

In uploading images or other information via upload links, please keep in mind that images and other information will be accessible to AHS MC JROTC Website administration. Upon review, images uploaded and may be used and re-shared on social media platforms and across the web.

By uploading images, you are agreeing to public content usage by the AHS MCJROTC.
Please use caution in posting or sharing images, and be mindful of your peers and code of conduct rules.


Monitoring Notification
AHS MC JROTC may, but has no obligation to, monitor or review images uploads. AHS MC JROTC reserves the right to remove or disable access to image upload service for any or no reason. We may take these actions without prior notification to you.

AHS MC JROTC is not responsible for what you or others post or share on your personal social media, though you may be subject to conduct agreements.

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